
Monday, May 11, 2009

Teacher of The Year Dinner

I was so lucky to have my Mom, Mama, and Yeiya fly in from Cleveland to attend the EDDY Awards Dinner for Teacher of The Year. My good friends from work Donna and Carroll, pincipal Ms. Graham, fellow art teacher Callie, and my wonderful friends Kelly and Katie were able to be part of this night to support me. It was neat because there were 3 art teachers nominated this year! My family came to work with me the next day and was able to see the art room in action! I think they were exhausted when they left but it was such a treat!


Jo Cillo said...

How awesome! I'm going to have to spend an hour looking at all of this! Way to go! Love, Jo

Ali said...

Love the pictures! Cutest Grandma's ever! Congrats again, Hal!

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